Hilgay Riverside Academy


Hilgay Riverside Academy



School Teachers Pay and Conditions Document recognised: Yes
Burgundy Book: Yes
Teachers Pension: Yes
Continuous Service recognised: Yes
Trade Union Recognition Agreement: No
Facilities agreement for Local Officers: No
Workplace Reps have recognised time: No
Agreed Policies with Unions: No
Working Time Budget (1265hrs) shared with staff at beginning of year: No
School calendar of events shared at start of year: No
No Probationary Period for new staff: Yes
Term time only contracts: Yes
NQT induction Programme: Yes
Use Norfolk County Induction: Yes
Workforce Information available: Yes
Agreed H&S Policies using County Model: Yes
Well being Service provided for staff: Yes
Staff well-being part of school/academy Improvement Plan: Yes
Adult Mental Health First Aider: No
Pay uplift: 2%
Automatic pay progression (no capability): No
